If your condition is life threatening then please do not hesitate to seek out emergency 🚨 advice as soon as possible. Out current medical emergency services are second to none and save lives.
Occasionally you will need surgery and today's moderns methods are extremely efficient at avoiding too much peripheral damage to surrounding tissues and organs. Trying alternative methods, however, prior to surgery, especially when dealing with an orthopedic condition, for example, can often prevent the need for surgery. Discuss this in full with your health care provider before agreeing on any surgery . The body has an natural ability to heal itself given the right the circumstances.
There are many new and exciting treatments available now which do not cause so much peripheral damage to the body as previous treatment have. It is important that each patient's care is assembled according to that patient's needs and not a blanket criteria which only treats the cancer. Losing touch with a patients individuality is not the road to a successful treatment. I would advise getting at least 3 specalist opinions before embarking on any course of treatment.
Finding out about diseases and hazards in the area you plan to travel to, prior to traveling, can significantly cut down on contracting anything unwanted while away. There are certain areas of the world where you need a certificate to enable you to enter that country. A Yellow fever certification proving vaccination for example. Be prepared!
There are two types of Diabetes. Type 1 when your pancrease has stopped producing Insulin, so you need this by injection when you eat. The other is Type 2 and is generally due to a poor diet and lifstyle. In most cases it is reversible, if the patient is willing to make radical changes to their diet and lifestyle and lose weight. It is no longer seen as an inevitably progressive disease. (4) Refer to
the recent DIRECT study 2018
Once hailed as lifesaving wonders of modern technology, vaccines are now more likely to be a source of suspicion and angry playground debate. Please refere to your current health care provider for up to date advice on current vaccination guidlines.
On line consultations are available. Please email me for advice and charges. Charges are always dependant on your circumstance. I will aim to get back to you within 24 hrs.
Marciac, Gers, France